
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Half way through IIN's Health coach program and I've learned so much!

I have been reflecting the past couple days on how much I've learned the past 6 months and the transformations that have happened. Here's what I've learned:

1. I would rather avoid sugar treats then indulge and deal with the metabolic consequences later. When I eat a sugar breakfast then I crave unhealthy foods all day. What does this do to my confidence? Destruction. All I want the rest of the day is junk- cookies, cake, ice cream, etc. I feel like a failure because the cravings are sometimes so strong that it's easier to cave into them rather then avoid them. I feel like a metabolic mess.
On the flip side, when I eat a breakfast, or meal, that is balanced with protein, a fruit, fat, and carbs my cravings are minimal. I eat foods that make me happy, help me have a clear head and sustain my energy. I don't have abdominal bloat or gas. I am a happy lady!
So, What do I eat to maintain balance? Veggies, starchy carbs (sweet potatoes, white potatoes, carrots), minimal fruits (bananas are on my no-no list), minimal grains (oats, rice or corn tortilla chips maybe 5 times a week depending on my activity level), fat (coconut oil, nut butter, olive oil), limited dairy (yogurt as a sour cream substitute and cheese for nachos) and protein (chicken, fish, eggs, beef). Oh and PLENTY of water! Dehydration will lead to increased cravings for carbohydrates and sugar because your body uses hunger to get your attention. So when you find yourself hungry shortly after a meal, drink water! I will bet money your hunger will go away. If it comes back drink more water. And if your still hungry, eat some veggies with water content (cucumbers, peppers, carrots, etc) this usually will do the trick. Or have some protein to help balance your blood sugar. The best thing you can do in this situation is AVOID SUGAR, it will only make you more hungry and make the situation worse for you.
What nutrition outline does this sound like? Paleo. I unintentionally have found this works best for me. However I am not strict with it. I allow myself flexibility because being strictly committed to one way of eating is stressful and leads to mind games with myself.

2. I am no longer using "adrenal fatigue" as an excuse to avoid physical activity. I reached out of my comfort zone and started exercising again. Ya I was doing yoga, some strength work, and minimal cardio (I was counting work as my cardio haha). However a few weeks ago I made a goal of 30 minutes of cardio 3 times each week, no matter what (unless I'm deathly ill or dead of course). So far so good! What's the result? Confidence, body composition changes, decreased cravings, balanced blood sugar, increased stamina, more energy, increased sexual energy and I'm more intune with my appetite. Cool huh? I have always known exercise is awesome, but most of these results I didn't expect; especially the balanced blood sugar and decreased cravings.
So what is my exercise routine? 3 days cardio (walk/jog intervals with a 3-5 minute warm up and 3-5 minute cool down, 2-3 strength workouts (usually on the days I do cardio cuz who wants to split them up), and 1-2 yoga workouts a week (you tube is awesome for these, I like's channel). Balance is key here. Plenty of sleep is a must as well.

3. I have realized what my clients, friends, coworkers, acquaintances and patients really want. An example. They want an example of health, strength, and fitness. I am in a position to be that for those who are ready to be receptive to the message.

4. While I can be a beacon of health and fitness, I have had to realize this is my journey. Others can gain insight and inspiration from my experiences, however it's not my responsibility to carry them. If I carry their burden it only makes me heavier and doesn't help them at all. So, I am embracing my journey and letting the path unfold in front of me. Am I scared? Yes. However I have a confidence that is growing every day. I have a testimony and faith in God. He is so merciful and supportive. When I am unsure of the next step or where to go I ask Him. No question is too silly or weird. I ask him from time to time what to eat or how to exercise to best support my body; He ALWAYS answers.

Balance in all areas of life (career, physical health, relationships, and spirituality) is so important. Re-evaluation from time to time of where you are in these areas is so healing and provides insight to where you should go next.

For more information on how you can find balance and healing in a holistic way, please contact me for a free health history consultation and to find out more about my 6 month program!
Email me:

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thinking of trying Paleo again

I feel so much better without grains.... Or already in moderation. So I guess it's not that I want to eat Paleo but rather limit my grains and dairy and sweet treats. Last night I went to a wedding reception and ate ice cream. Today I'm craving sweets. So how am I combatting it? Eating let's of veggies. Yes I had 1 pancake with peanut butter and strawberries after eating my spinach, chicken, brown rice with pesto. I had maybe 2 pieces of Maycee's peaches. But I really do feel better and more energetic. I feel better with limited dairy, not as gassy.

So I guess it's not Paleo I'm reaching for. It's balance. Balance in my food groups and enjoying more veggies. Not writing about when to eat starches and when to not. When to eat fruit and when to not. Worrying more about my fullness cues and honoring my hunger and body. My body is so forgiving and I'm so grateful to have it.

I've also started exercising more and feel better then I have in months! The only frustrating thing is my appetite has increased. So I'm learning how to adapt.

I had a revelation the other day, so here it is. This experience is mine. If others want to join that's fine but I'm not going to make a special effort to bring others along. This is my experience to heal and move forward. I don't know when we will have another child and I don't want to carry this extra weight while waiting. I am ready to move forward and let go. Baby will come when baby is ready. In the mean time I am living my life and letting go of guilt and baggage. I would love to be pregnant but I'm not and I'm tired of looking like I am. I am ready to have a body that I'm proud of. That is tone and strong. That shows other women that yes you can have a strong tube body even after having children.

I want to be an example of holistic health inside and out. Fitness is one way I do that.

I am excited to move into this new space with power and grace!!