
Thursday, May 1, 2014

How journaling is helping me with my binge eating

I recently found comfort in listening to an episode on the Half Size Me podcast. Heather (the hostess) did an interview about her history with binge eating and how she overcame it. One thing that works well for her is journaling. This resonated with me. I have started journaling post binge using the notepad app on my phone. I like this because it helps me get out my guilt about the binge. I am also more conscious of what I'm eating.

Journaling post binge has also started helping me come to peace with the binge itself. I am starting to realize the relationship I have with food. Food to me is a comfort, it is something that will never let me down. I know just what to expect, good or bad. Food is always there for me.

Today I am pondering "How can I overcome this tendency to binge?" Here's what I have come up with so far:
1. Come to terms with my relationship with food.
2. Discover my, boredom, overwhelm....etc
3. Journal about how I felt before, during and after the binge.
4. Be open and honest with myself. No one else has to know, but I will.

I can't think of anything else right now about how to overcome this concern. Being open and honest with myself I feel is going to be so helpful.

I have also adopted a new mantra, "I love and accept myself for who I am right now"

I write about this to help anyone else who happens upon my blog and reads this post.

I love and accept myself for who I am right now.
Right now I am doing my best to move forward in to who God intends me to be. I am persevering through the mud into a new space.

I love the word perseverance. It has substance to it. It's almost tangible. Some synonyms for perseverance are endurance, determination, persistence, purposefulness, spunk, stamina, steadfastness, tenacity and decision. I appreciate all these works because they describe who I like to be.

My intention is to bring light and love to the world one blog post at a time. I want to inspire people to be their best! I want the world to be bright and beautiful with substance. When we have substance we have purpose. What my substance is will be different then someone elses, even though we might have a lot in common. I hope that makes sense. And it could be another blog post all together.

Stay tuned for another post about SMART goals and what I learned from my IIN coaching call today 5/1/14!

