
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2015 intentions

I used to set goals, or resolutions, every year. This year I set 1 intention: transformation. This past year I attended the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) to become a certified health coach. What I learned during this program is to transition, be flexible and be true to myself. I have learned the value of primary foods vs secondary food (more to come on these valuable tools).

Why transformation? Well...I believe we as humans are in a constant state of change. If we resist change and keep trying the same things over and over again we will go crazy and our progress is halted.

For example: if you make the same goal every year to lose weight and you don't accomplish that goal then you feel like a failure or that you have done something wrong. Or you start a new diet intending that it will fix al your problems and make you a super star. Well, 2 weeks into the diet you "fall off" and binge. This can also cause you to feel like a failure. I have felt all these feelings and had these destructive thoughts: "What am I doing wrong?" "I can't do anything right!" "I am such a failure!"

Well friends, in 2015 I want true success and progress, so I deemed it
"The Year of Transformation"!
I have set and intention to transform my relationships, spirituality, career, and physical health. Through prayer, self reflection, meditation I created a plan. My plan follows the same template from Ann Webb and her Ideal Life Vision course I wrote out each section as if it already happened. The next step is to record it in my own voice and listen to it every day. What is intended to happen is that the subconcious is changed and my life will transform.

I did make some adjustments though. Ann has a lot more sections then I did. The categories I used are the primary foods from IIN. I am a simple person and don't like a lot of details. Just get in, get it done, and get out is my philosophy. If something takes too long then I don't wanna do it! Shortening the categories simplified the process.

I'm sure you're wondering what I am intending to transform for each section :-)
1. Physical health: Every year I would set a goal to lose weight but never did. As I was setting my intention for this section I just couldn't set the goal of weightloss because by losing weight what do I gain. I changed my mindset. This year I am working towards increasing my physical strength, flexibility and stamina; and moving away from the scale. Cuz let's face it folks, some days that scale is a big fat liar! By focusing on gains in strength, flexibility, and stamina I won't focus on what I'm losing but the amazing gains!

2. Spirituality: As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I am studying the New Testiment in Sunday School. I want to understand Jesus Christ and His purpose better. I want to get to know the ancient prophets, their purpose and experiences better. I want a deeper understanding of my purpose on this Earth. Through studying the New Testiment and attending the temple monthly my relationship with Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father will become deeper and more valuable.

3. Career: I have a strong desire to share the message of holistic health! And make money in the process. As a registered nurse and personal trainer I have a great opportunity to affect the lives of so many people, starting with my own family. In order to build a business I will need to face my fears. That's my intention of this section: transform my career by facing my fears!

4. Relationships: I want to transform my marriage into something filled with passion, trust, and love. I have a great husband who supports me and I support him. Together we will create something bigger and deeper!
I also want to understand my wonderful daughter better and build a deep lasting relationship with her.
The next relationship I want to transform is my relationship with myself.
Starting with these 3 foundational relationships and working outward.

So now you can see how these 4 categories are so important for transformation. Each one plays an important role and feeds our basic needs.

Here's to a great 2015 and I hope you also set the intention for transforming your life into something greater and more fulfilling!

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